Today on In Fine Feather, we spotlight our friend Jessica Frost Adams, mother of two darling girls + distributor for Young Living Essential Oils. Jessica (@happyaboutoils) sought better health, naturally, for years. Once she discovered the benefits of essential oils, she developed a passion for sharing her family's story and helping others live a healthy life.
Tell us a little: Jessica Frost Adams, Macon, Georgia, Distributor of Young Living Essential Oils
Inspiration for becoming a distributor? As a family, YL has been life-changing for us. They have helped each of us sleep better, eliminate harmful toxins from our home, feel emotionally balanced, and supply us with healthy tools for everyday needs. Our family struggled with health issues for a few years and we searched for natural, safe methods. Now that I've found YL, my goal is to help people experience a better sense of well-being -- physically, emotionally and spiritually -- through the benefits of oils.
Describe yourself in one word: Intentional
Personal mantra: Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your heart on fire
What makes you tick? Purpose and knowledge.
Favorite hobby? We are a very active family! Hiking is our favorite, whether in a woodsy trail or at the beach. We are always on the go and our girls are at such wonderful ages for exploring.
Pick a superfood: Raw kale from our garden. I use it to make juice, salads, chips, etc. I love the taste and the benefits.
Best part of the "oily" community? The Happy Oilers is one big family full of passionate people who generously share their love, knowledge and talents about oils -- but also about family, faith and business. Learning about how the human body works is fascinating and I'm continually inspired by my group.
Haley and I are so excited to FINALLY feature our dear friend, Sarah Gilbert! We may have grown up with this girl in the heart of Georgia, but she's recently become a household name as a contestant + fan-favorite on NBC's The Biggest Loser (season 17). Even after last month's finale, Sarah is staying fit and maintaining her healthy new lifestyle -- all while building her beauty empire, securing fitness endorsements with NOW and WOD, and being THE ultimate boss babe (in our humble, totally non-biased opinion). Check out Sarah's interview with us below!
Name: Sarah Gilbert; freelance hair + makeup artist, stay-at-home mama (the best job).
Inspo for beginning Biggest Loser? I was at rock bottom. I felt terrible about myself and had given up hope that I could be different. My job and my marriage along with my relationship with my son was suffering. I knew I needed a catalyst for change. I needed a ray of hope. Then, one day, I heard an ad for the casting call in Atlanta and that was all she wrote.
Biggest takeaway from BL? Never underestimate yourself or your impact.
Fav superfood: Cacao nibs and hemp hearts!
Health trend you are loving: Drinkable beauty products. I'm currently obsessed with adding collagen to my daily routine. I typically do 1-2 servings a day along with other similar beauty tonics.
Preferred activity: I love walking around my city before dawn in the morning. It's not the highest calorie-burn, and it isn't the trendiest exercise, but there is something about walking around a quiet city at 5 A.M. that just settles my mind and prepares me for the day.
Personal mantra: Let go.
Veggies via The Little Farm + Photography of Haley Sheffield.
In case you missed it, we officially turned ONE! We truly can't thank our followers enough for all of the support since first launching In FIne Feather.
IFF's original intent was to showcase the movers, shakers and makers in health throughout the South, by bringing meaningful, helpful content to our online community. Over the past year, we have highlighted health, wellness and beauty in MANY forms. In the spirit of resolving to do the same in 2016, we are putting a pause on our posts until March 1 while we gather the goodness for our readers. BUT PLEASE don't stop lovin' us on our other outlets as we'll continue to keep those current with quick tips & tricks (here, here, here & here!)
See you soon!
-Tess + Haley
Happy holidays, y'all! Couple of things:
This Saturday, November 28th, is Small Business Saturday. If you've been with IFF since the beginning, you know that Haley and I created this blog out of two passions -- health and wellness + supporting small businesses across the state. Even our posts spotlighting friends overseas have focused on mom and pop shops. As advocates for our own neighborhoods (Atlanta & Macon), we were THRILLED when American Express launched #SmallBizSat in 2010 -- a rallying cry against the corporate consumerism of Black Friday and a way to celebrate Main Streets across America.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving + celebrating community, we would like to show our gratitude to our loyal readers by offering a gift basket giveaway! The basket will feature products from small businesses featured in previous posts, including Preserving Place, Meraki Botanicals and Pure Barre -- just to name a few. To enter, forward this post to one friend and then send us an email that you've done so (include their name + email as well). We'll select a winner at random and announce next week!
It's that time of the year! No, not just the holidays but the season of dry and itchy skin too. I have normal to oily skin and even MY face feels the wrath of winter. At IFF, we decided to seek out a local beauty boutique -- Beesa Skincare Studio. Located on Ingleside Avenue in Macon, GA, Beesa offers spa-quality skincare treatments such as facials, microderms & waxing, all with organic ingredients. Check out our Q+A with our fine-feather friend, Brooke, below!
Tell us your name: Brooke Weatherford Kinross, owner of Beesa Skincare Studio -- a studio spa in Macon, Georgia where I offer facials, waxing and tinting with a focus on natural products with organic ingredients.
Inspiration for starting your own biz? I love what I do -- sharing the knowledge I have gained over the past 15 years, making people feel better about themselves, and to be able to do this while balancing my family -- life is perfect. My children are still "little", so it's important to me to be at soccer games, dance recitals and play dates while they still think I am kind of cool.
What is the goal of Beesa? I want people to understand skin - that it is the largest organ of the body - reflecting what is going on inside of the body. Healthy skin goes beyond using quality skin care products. What you put in your body is just as important as what you put on it. Many of my clients come to me with hormonal acne, or acne in general. Most women in their 40's don't understand why they are still breaking out! I try to help them pinpoint the cause of their skin challenges, whether it's a hormonal imbalance, diet, incorrect products, prescription medications, whatever the trigger may be... that way we can find a solution, not just a quick fix.
What makes you tick? I was an Environmental Studies major at Oberlin College with a focus on Organic and Sustainable Agriculture. I guess you would say I am a little bit of a hippie still to this day. It's important to me that my children get to enjoy nature and being outside as much as I have. I love buying local food and supporting local growers, cooking and entertaining, camping and being outside with my kids, catching a full moon view whenever possible and relaxing with my partner-in-crime (my husband, Steve).
Favorite Macon pastime? Music! So much of what makes Macon so special is the music history. I carry that with me wherever I go.
A few months ago, we brought you a post from our Aussie friends at Frank Body. Today we bring you another Melbourne-based business that we met through the wonderful world of Instagram -- Matcha Maiden! What is matcha? It is 100% green tea leaves stone ground into a fine powder. Buddhist monks have been reaping the benefits of matcha long before tea-toxes or even tea bags were a thing. Finally, thanks to Matcha Maiden and their Japanese-certified organic powder, the rest of the world is catching up! We enjoyed our sample as a green tea but it can also be used as a sprinkled-in superfood or an addition to your bath + beauty regimen. Find inspiration here.
XOXO Love y'all so matcha!
All photos (c) of Haley Sheffield Photography.
King of Pops, the beloved fresh fruit ice pops company of Atlanta, recently began hosting #KOPYOGA on the BeltLine. Over the summer, the free outdoor yoga sessions - held every Tuesday at 7 PM - have grown quickly from a few dozen to a few hundred! We were lucky enough to interview CEO and co-founder of King of Pops, Steven Carse, on why he believes in "promoting community and healthy living in an approachable way."
Inspiration for beginning King of Pops: I fell in love with the paleta (fresh fruit ice pop) during my travels to Latin America, and after years of eating, decided it would be fun to try to make and sell them myself. The perfect opportunity to do it came when I was laid off from my corporate job and needed to think of what to do next. So in the spring of 2010, King of Pops was born with only one used push-cart on a street corner.
Mission behind #KOPYOGA? Last year it started as something we did 100% for our employees and decided we might as well invite our neighbors. Between 15 and 30 people came out and it was one of the things I really looked forward to each week. I'm a beginner, and it was a nice way to work on my practice and enjoy the outdoors. We didn't do much differently this year. We started to promote earlier, but on the first day you could tell it was going to be different. Instead of a few dozen it was a few hundred. It's a testament to our community. I feel like the actual yoga practice is the least important part. It's just nice to be doing something with your neighbors. At the end of the day, that is the point. Get out and enjoy your life.
Favorite Atlanta pastime? Lately it has just been riding my bike. Whether it's an organized ride or a slow stroll on the Beltline, it is what I do to get some quality ME time.
All photos courtesy of Haley Sheffield Photography.
Happy Thursday, mates! In our previous post we reviewed our Australian-based skincare crush, Frank Body. Today we introduce you to the babes (and bros) behind the beauty line, which you can find exclusively online via the Frank Body e-store.
Tell us your name: Jess Hatzis, co-founder of Frank Body (pictured far left)
Name of owners: Steve Rowley, Alex Boffa, Jess Hatzis, Erika Geraerts & Bree Johnson
Location: Melbourne, Australia
What is the goal of the company? From the start Frank Body has attempted to connect with its customers on a more personal level than that of traditional beauty brands. We like to call it an ‘open relationship’. Frank is centered around values such as honesty, cheekiness, and commitment. As we extend the brand portfolio, we hope to maintain this integrity.
Inspiration behind Frank? It all began in 2013, through a series of fortunate events. Steve owns a few cafes in Melbourne and had a customer ask for leftover coffee grinds. After a while he grew curious as to what they were using it for, and as it turned out, they were using it as a body exfoliator. At the same time, myself, Bree, and Erika who run Melbourne communications agency Willow & Blake, were looking to develop our own product (and brand) within the beauty and fitness industry to market through social media - a service we were already offering to many clients locally and internationally. After some research our team came to find that coffee scrubs were attributed to relieving many skin conditions, and although there were a lot of DIY recipes online, no one was selling coffee scrub as a product. Along with Alex who helped lead production and logistics, we realised that you had to use fresh coffee grinds to get the best results, combined with a mixture of essential oils, sugar and salt - thus the original coffee scrub was born.
We wanted to remove the taboo of a bathroom regime, and speak honestly with babes from around the world about what beauty meant to us. We wanted to be frank with them. And so the name and strategy was born. In the early days, a team of about 20 including friends and family, helped us to make the product by hand. Within a month the business had grown substantially, and we needed a full-time manufacturing group. Frank Body now offers an extended range of coffee-based products for both the face and body and is made in Melbourne, Australia. It is sold purely online through www.frankbody.com and ships to 141 countries worldwide, with five distribution points. It recently sold its 1,000,000th scrub, and boasts a healthy 635K followers on Instagram, with over 71,000 tagged images under #thefrankeffect not to mention its other social media channels. Celebrities including Jessie J and Ariana Grande have all been quoted sharing their love of frank’s products on social media.
One word to describe the team: Caffeinated
Perk of working at Frank? The endless supply of coffee!
All images © of Frank Body.
Since beginning IFF, a sentiment shared by Haley and myself is to let our images speak for themselves with little intrusion from our personal opinions. Yes, blogs are supposed to be safe places for soapboxes but I am a pretty strong-willed, stubborn, opinionated gal and didn't want my mouthy, journalistic tendencies to overshadow our intent of creating a virtual haven centered on health and wellness. However; we have recently decided to allow guest bloggers to share their stories. Personal, perspectives by way of meaningful conversations are always appreciated, no matter which side of the spectrum you fall on a hot topic.
With that said, we are thrilled to spotlight our fine-feathered friend, Jessica, and her baby boy Walden, as she gives insight in to motherhood with her piece titled: The Art + Acceptance of Breastfeeding.
Like so many of us, my breastfeeding journey didn’t come without its trials and tribulations. While producing milk came naturally, the world didn’t revolve around it. Being a working mother, I spent more time pumping away than actually nursing my son directly. I can now boast I’ve pumped in Atlanta parking decks, while driving down the interstate and at Regan International Airport, home of the infamous “sad nursing room.”
But now, as my supply matches my dwindling demand from my son, who is just over one-year-old, my heart is heavy. We haven’t quite closed our nursing saga, but I already find myself missing it.
No longer pumping, I relish in our quiet nursing sessions, nuzzling his soft whisp of hair, rubbing his still-so-small feet, staring down at this natural marvel of nourishment, where I was able to produce just what he needs, when he needed it the most. How many times I find myself nodding to the whispers in my head – it does go by so fast.
As August declares National Breastfeeding Month, there is no shortage of information on breastfeeding and its many benefits, for both baby and mother. Each ounce of that liquid gold is priceless when we can produce it.
But I was also surprised at the benefits the breastfeeding FAQs didn’t include – namely, the determination and willpower I would gain along the way. My body had never been more of a temple than when I was breastfeeding. And there were many times I needed to find that inner-strength to make it work like we did.
There was also the protective passion I developed for other mothers as well. I was surprised at the fire that lit in me over society’s notions of breastfeeding. Was this really debatable? Do we really find something so natural to all mammals so uncomfortable to us humans?
As the #normalizebreastfeeding waved its flag, I proudly saluted its stance. Whether we breastfeed or not, whether we are parents or not, whether we are a mother or a father, we have an obligation to kindness, humanity and our own human kind to rid any sort of discomfort in the act of a mother feeding a child.
I remember the frustration I felt as a new breastfeeding mom when I saw a man go jogging by without his shirt on – his useless nipples on full, sweaty display without so much of a second thought. And here I was filled with anxiety on nursing my son in public, blanketed with a hot apron cover and wearing the right amount of buttons so that our skin-to-skin nurturing was well hidden.
There is something fundamentally unfair with our double-standard of women’s chests. The same breast that nourishes us is prized more for its sexualization. A low-cut tank top is better accepted than an unsnapped nursing tank. A cat nursing her kittens makes us stop and aww. A woman doing the same will cause disapproving clucks. Why? Because society deemed our breasts trophy animals for all of the wrong reasons, and its innocence was somehow lost.
My fellow mothers, try to cherish this sacred, primal, precious art of breastfeeding. Don’t be afraid to demand your comfort to be the mother you want to be, in public spaces, in your work place, in the eyes of those who don’t yet understand.
And to everyone else, let us recognize those demands as powerful. Let us support the act of breastfeeding as simply normal.
Finally, for those entering their own breastfeeding journey, here are the simple tips I learned along the way:
Find a breast friend. Tap into your sage circle of mothers and find the one whose situation mirrors yours. For me, it was my mentors who had both deftly scaled the corporate ladders and nursed like the super moms they are. If they could do it in spite of their schedule and executive demands, I certainly could, and it helped immensely to have their support and encouragement.
Don’t put a time limit on it. Sure, we all want the year that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends, but it can be less and it could be longer. When you put a deadline on it, it leans more towards another looming task in an already over-demanding world. This really is a journey that’s to be taken one day at a time. You know that old saying, “It’s not how fast you go, it’s how you get there”? Well, I can’t think of anything more appropriately applied than nursing.
Nurture yourself. Breastfeeding is a perpetual give and take where every woman’s body takes on the demands differently. Don’t be afraid to prioritize yourself so you can remain the ultimate source of nutrition for your baby. Muster the courage to meet your own demands, from creating a pleasant nursing environment to relinquishing some of the other baby duties, from bottle washing to burping, to a partner. My husband graciously stood by our “I feed, you clean” mantra. After all, it was the least he could do to make up for what Mother Nature left off of him.
Hopefully by now you're an avid IFF follower and are familiar with our recurring DIY series; a collaboration with Anna Liesemeyer from In Honor of Design. If not, then see here and here (no hard feelings) ;) Check out our repost from IHOD below!
I have been trying to find ways to integrate essential oils into our lifestyle more since there are hundreds of benefits from them. I was already using this detergent recipe (which literally comes out to 1 cent per load!). I added a few essential oils to enhance the smell but also reap the health benefits. Have you all seen Lindsay Coletta’s work yet? She is an all star when it comes to floral design and she styled this shoot for me! And you might be able to guess by how beautiful these photos turned out that the photography is by Haley Sheffield. My dream team! - Anna
Lavender or Lemon Essential Oil
Balance Essential Oil blend
1/2 c. Borax
1 Bar Soap (I use Fels-Naptha or Ivory)
1 c. Baking Soda
5 Gallon Bucket
To use as gifts, head to Hobby Lobby in the bottle section for those pictured above! You can add some lemons and flowers to complete a gift basket:)
Instructions: There are several versions for the base detergent on the web, but this is what I have found most successful.
1) Grate your entire bar of soap with a cheese grater.
2) Boil a teapot of water and add 5 cups to a pan. Add your grated soap bar. Stir over medium with a wooden spoon until fully melted.
3) Fill your 5 gallon bucket with hot water and stir in the borax, baking soda, and soap mixture till dissolved. Use a giant ladel or spoon to stir.
4) Add in several drops of each essential oil you choose to use. This will enhance the smell and benefit stress and anxiety relief!
5) Fill the rest of the bucket with cold water and stir again. Cover and let sit overnight.
6) In the morning you will have a gel type liquid. You may need to stir it up before you use each time.
Amidst Atlanta's bountiful harvest of community farmers' markets, one of our favorite everyday staples is the Sweet Auburn Curb Market. Rich in history, charm and flavor, Sweet Auburn was ranked by USA Today as the 16th Best food market around the world. The self-sustaining entity is comprised of 24 independently-owned businesses including eateries, retail shops and fresh produce. Atlanta residents and visitors can now enjoy restaurants such as Murphy’s, Grindhouse Killer Burgers, Bell Street Burritos, Sweet Auburn Barbeque and Arepa Mia. Find a listing of all current merchants here.
We first met Dr. Amy King of Little Five Points Chiropractic through the wonderful world of Instagram. Inspired by her teachings of love and light, we knew she would be the perfect person to spotlight on IFF. Amy learned her Elementary Education Degree from Ferris State University before completing her Chiropractic doctorate work from Life University. Outside of Chiropractic you can find Amy practicing yoga and exploring nature with her adorable dog, Bacon.
Tell us your name: Dr. Amy E. King, chiropractor at Little Five Points Chiropractic
Hometown + current city: I was born and raised in Saginaw, Michigan until I was 18, but Ann Arbor has a huge piece of my heart. I lived and taught preschool there until I moved to Atlanta six years ago for chiropractic school. I currently live in my favorite neighborhood in Reynoldstown!
What is the goal of your company? As a chiropractor, my philosophy is that in order to be truly healthy, each aspect of our existence must be nourished. That means not only must we take care of our bodies, but also our minds and spirits. Chiropractic is a natural form of healthcare, which optimizes the function of our central nervous systems by removing interference within the important communication between our bodies and minds.
Describe yourself in one word: Lovetarian.
Health trend you are loving: I’m currently obsessed with Grand Slams from Arden’s Garden and the Acai Bowls with banana from Kale Me Crazy.
Favorite form of exercise: I’ve been practicing yoga for about seven years, but the last two years of my practice have been where I’ve experienced the most growth. A lot of that is due to the amazing yoga community in Atlanta.
Preferred pose: Pincha Mayurasana!
All photos (c) of Haley Sheffield Photography.
Megan Gilmore, Georgia-grown girl and current Los Angelian, is a certified Holistic Health Counselor, trained at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Based in New York City, Integrative Nutrition® is the largest nutrition school in the world. Her education has equipped her with a deep knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching, and the importance of preventive care, which she loves sharing on her blog detoxinista.com and in her new cookbook, Everyday Detox!
Tell us your name: Megan Gilmore
City? Kansas + Georgia and currently Los Angeles.
What is your business? I’m a greeting card illustrator by day but nutrition and healthy cooking has been a passion of mine for years so I created detoxinsta.com as a creative outlet to share my favorite recipes.
Inspiration? I grew up on a terrible junk-food diet which took me years to turn around. I did a lot of yo-yo dieting and found myself obsessing over food anytime I tried to count calories. I changed my focus to eating real, unprocessed foods which was a refreshing, welcoming change. My goal with the website is to make healthy living accessible and show people that eating well can be both easy and delicious.
The Creamy Almond Butter & Spinach Shake + the Vegan Peanut Butter Cup Shake were just a few of our favorites that we found on detoxinista.com!
Pick a Superfood: Hemp seeds! They’re my favorite form of complete protein to add to my morning smoothie.
Favorite form of release? Hiking! Los Angeles has beautiful hiking trails, and getting out of nature gives me the recharge I need after working on my computer so often.
Something you miss about the South: The people! It’s true that everyone is more welcoming in the southern states.
Greatest joy of beginning Detoxinista? Hearing that someone’s life has been changed because of something I’ve shared. If my recipes make just one person healthier, I feel like I’ve made an impact on the world.
All photos (c) of Megan Gilmore
In Fine Feather aims to be your go-to guide on Georgia's ever-evolving health and wellness community. During our blogging adventures the past few months, we have traveled all across the state to showcase the movers, shakers and makers of small business in health and wellness. Today's post, The Peach Truck, features our neighbors just north who share a love of our favorite Southern staple.
ABOUT: It all started when a boy from way down in Georgia fell in love with a girl from way up in the North. The blissfully happy couple moved to Nashville where the boy couldn’t wait to share everything he loved about life in the South. The city obliged with the heat and the porch, but after searching every single market, the boy couldn't find the big, rich juicy peaches he grew up eating. What became known as the “peach problem” only had one solution; driving over 300 miles to pick his girl the perfect Georgia Peach. Love at first bite. They then decided to share this love with their new city so they traded in their car for an old truck and sold fresh fruit by the bagful. Nashville fell in love too. Within five weeks, the city consumed over 10 delicious tons of peaches. Today the boy, the girl, and The Peach Truck happily share their peach passion with locals and fellow fruit enthusiasts across the country.
Name + City: Stephen + Jessica Rose. Currently living in Nashville, TN
Inspo for your business? The Peach Truck is proud to be the Nashville arm of Pearson Farm in Fort Valley, GA. I (Stephen) grew up eating peaches right off the tree so I knew what a peach should taste like. The summer of 2012, we brought our very first crop up to the city, set up with our truck in front of Imogene + Willie and the rest, as they say, is history.
Favorite peach-inspired recipe? Peaches have long gotten caught in the dessert category. They’re so much more diverse than that. The Peach Caprese salad is a summer staple at our house.
What has been the greatest reward about beginning PT? We often sit back and talk about how shocked we are at our lives. We get to do what we love, work with people we love, and add to the flavor of our city. We couldn’t be more fulfilled doing something other than we are right now.
Favorite part about the South: The people. Anytime you get a little ways out of the city, you’re reminded of the pace of life that so many people live. It’s an exhilarating reminder to slow down, and take in the simplicities of life.
Photos by: Jamie Clayton.
At IFF, we are lovers of shopping local and discovering new Georgia-based brands. During a trip to Atlanta's Root City Market, we were introduced to Joshua Morgan and Brad Scoggins, creators of Little Barn Apothecary. Founded in Stone Mountain just earlier this year, Little Barn has already made a big name for themselves as they were recently featured in Vogue, Elle and InStyle as one of the Best Natural Beauty brands. They are stocked in shops in 15 + states as well as Panama and Canada along with online carriers such as Urban Outfitters.
Joshua is from Cincinnati, Ohio, and Brad grew up in a farm community in Cordele, Georgia. Currently, they live in Stone Mountain, Georgia and create simple and plant-based apothecary goods from wild-harvested, certified organic ingredients. Right now, LBA carries nearly three dozen small-batch items, including soaks, washes, scrubs, oils, balms, salves, naturally scented air waters, and more.
In 2012, Josh and Brad began researching botanicals and experimenting at home with recipes for simple self-care products. They shared some of the items with friends and family, who responded with enthusiastic requests for more! After expanding the line to include today’s core selection, they debuted Little Barn Apothecary to the public. The idea was born from a passion to create unique formulas as a substitute for the chemical-laden skincare that’s so prevalent today. Together, they love educating people on the benefits of using herbs and botanicals. From recipe testing to packaging design to shipping, Josh and Brad handle each step of the process. They select ingredients not only for their intoxicating scents but for their unique healing properties.
Making use of the South’s long growing season, Joshua and Brad grow most of Little Barn Apothecary’s ingredients in their backyard garden or source them from nearby farmers markets. By committing to whole and certified organic ingredients, Little Barn Apothecary creates goods from scratch that are 100% safe, naturally potent, and highly effective.
“The goal of Little Barn Apothecary is to be an everyday and affordable brand that feels like a treat. We believe in the power of nature and want to bring luxurious, natural options to the market. Our brand is a reminder to slow down, enjoy daily rituals, and keep it simple. ”
Earlier this week, we gave you a behind-the-scenes test kitchen tour of PeachDish, a southern-infused, internationally-inspired meal delivery service based in Atlanta, Georgia. While Part I highlighted the careful planning and prep of each package, Part II is a peek in to our very own delivery! The two recipes were so simple yet creative and flavorful. Our favorite part was how each farm source was listed within the recipe guide. See all of the wonderful creations below:
This week we are SO very excited to bring you a two-part post with our friends at PeachDish! What is PeachDish? They are a national meal-delivery service that every week offers four different seasonally-inspired meals. Two are vegetarian, and two are animal protein-based and each package includes two servings of two of the week’s delicious meals. Feeding more than two people? You can amp up your quantities of one or both meals and there are no membership fees as you only pay when you receive a delivery.
For Part I, we got a behind-the-scenes kitchen tour and sat down with PeachDish President, Judith Winfrey, to discuss the ins and outs of creating this successful Atlanta-based business.
Tell us your name: Judith Winfrey, President and Owner of PeachDish.
Hometown + current city: Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia.
Inspiration for managing your own business? Sharing good food with the world. We are a business comprised of people who love good food and community. We exist to share quality recipes, ingredients and dishes with you. We have a goal of serving 400,000 good meals a week and want to show the world the best that the south has to offer – chefs, artisans, farmers, and makers.
What drives you? Authenticity.
What has been the most rewarding aspect of beginning PD? Working with the brilliant, dedicated team of professionals who share their joy and passion with PeachDish every week. It is humbling to lead such a talented team of bad-asses who care so deeply about giving our customers an outstanding experience. From our Chef, to our Ops Manager, to our packers, to our tech team, our photographer, our customer service and marketing teams. Everyone brings their A-game and they are genuinely motivated by the idea of sending quality to your door.
Additionally, hearing from people whose lives have been improved because of the quality product we offer. We introduce them to incredible new culinary experiences. We share thoughtful ingredients and intelligent techniques. We make their lives easier, healthier, fresher, more convenient and delish. We help them face life’s changes, challenges and difficulties with grace. When I get a letter from a mother of two whose husband has recently had a stroke, or a family with an autistic son who loves to cook and looks forward to PD every week, or a newlywed who feels emboldened by the culinary confidence PeachDish imparts, it touches my heart and lets me know I’m doing the work I’m meant to be doing.
Photos: (c) Haley Sheffield Photography. Pictured: President Judith Winfrey, Chef Seth Freedman, Photographer Lizzy Johnston, Marketing Coordinator Caroline Clements and IFF co-founder, Tess Harper.
It's officially farmers market season! Haley and I are so excited to bring you a two-part farm-to-table post this week. As you may have read in our ABOUT section, I began my public relations career at a small non-profit that helped cultivate an organic, producer-only farmers market in Macon, Georgia. The shoot below was a fabulous collaboration between several vendors with the intention of encouraging folks to shop locally and eat seasonally. The Mulberry Market, located in downtown Macon, has grown tremendously since its inception in 2011. The market even offers a 2 to 1 dollar matching program for EBT benefits through Wholesome Wave Georgia. We invite you to check out the market which runs every Wednesday from 3:30-6 PM at Tattnall Square Park! (Farm info available by clicking photos // all photos courtesy of Haley Sheffield Photography).
As you may or may not know, I work in school nutrition for the state of Georgia and Haley is a professional photographer. Both of us, through our work, are able to travel and explore unique opportunities to meet influential leaders within our industries. This month I was honored to sit down with restaurateur, author and Top Chef Judge, Hugh Acheson, during the Georgia Organics Conference in Athens, Georgia.
Born and raised in Ottawa, Canada, Hugh Acheson is the chef/partner of the Athens restaurants; Five & Ten, The National, the Atlanta restaurant Empire State South, and the Savannah restaurant The Florence.
His cookbook titled A New Turn in the South: Southern Flavors Reinvented for Your Kitchen, won the James Beard Foundation award for Best Cookbook in the field of "American Cooking" in 2012. Read below for our interview on what he has to say about better farms and flavors in Georgia.
On the Farm-to-Table Movement:
We’re in a farm-rich environment in Georgia – how do we celebrate that? I want to celebrate the farmers by having them harvest beautiful produce that we actually consume, in both our homes and restaurants. We’re at the point where farm-to-table is a co-optable term – it can be used for marketing and it can resound as not very true most of the time. We’ve never actually marketed the restaurants as farm-to-table. Instead we’ve just always walked the walk, rather than talk the talk. We support our local environment the best we can, every day. It’s what we do.
On Farm to School:
Georgia is doing a great job of implementing the farm-to-school program – we have definitely made great strides but unfortunately school lunch is not something that can change overnight. The important thing is to keep moving forward and to keep making progress. There is more of an interest in food policy than there was ten years ago, which is good, but there is still a ton of work to be done.
On re-thinking Home Economics:
The idea is this: for a long time, home economics was very gender-specific and focused on how to maintain a home. Simultaneously, over the past few decades, we have become accustomed to the concept of convenience, i.e. soup in a can, frozen dinners, etc., which infiltrated our culture and our lifestyle. There is an entire generation that has almost lost the art of cooking. So my goal, as a father of a 10 and a 12-year-old, is to help reshape the requirements for family and consumer sciences. Let's equip children who will turn in to college students who then turn in to working adults, to be able to prepare their own meals and have basic life skills. By teaching these skills, we’re going to make a big threat to the 'happy meal' – and that’s the end goal. (Read more here)