You may remember our fine-feathered friend, Rachel Hollar, from our 2015 post on Bike Macon. Now, Rachel and her crew, along with the City of Macon-Bibb, are coordinating the first-ever Open Streets Macon, which will take place April 17th. Open Streets Macon takes a valuable public space – our city’s streets – and opens them up for people to play, walk, bike, breathe, and make their own. Modeled on tremendously successful events from around the world, including Bogotá, Colombia’s Ciclovia; Paris, France’s Paris Plage; and San Francisco’s Sunday’s Streets, Open Streets Macon will be part bike tour, part block party, and a great time for getting active, interacting with your neighbors, and enjoying our amazing city. Bring your bicycle or just your feet, and get ready to explore your community in a safer, healthier, more livable way.
“Imagine a street full of people of all ages and backgrounds, walking, biking, creating and laughing, together. A street temporarily closed to cars, but open to people. Imagine residents safely enjoying their city, socializing with neighbors, and engaging in healthy activities. Imagine if all of this were free, with absolutely no barriers to participation. By the people, for the people. Sound good yet? Bike Macon is turning this vision into a reality by organizing the first-ever Open Streets Macon event.”
Here are some things you need to know before April 17:
It’s FREE!
It’s not a race and you don’t need a bike to participate. You can walk or skate to your heart’s content.
There’s no beginning or end. Start and end anywhere!
It’s from 2 PM – 6 PM.
The flow of participants goes both ways, just like regular traffic.
For more information about this event, visit